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Our Mission

The El Paso Association of Builders is committed to strengthening the BUILDING INDUSTRY through Membership
and Advocacy

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There is strength in numbers. The El Paso Association of Builders serves as a collective voice for the promotion of a growing home building industry. Comprised of Builder and Associate Members like banks, title companies, suppliers, manufactuierers, building specialist, etc., our membership works to propel our industry forward. Home builders want to know you, and you want to know them. We are a federation concentrated on New Home construction and remodeling. 


Representation in Local, State and National Issues. Whether you build one home per year or hundreds, or if you support the construction and development of El Paso in any way, your EPAB membership has been working for you since 1946. The impact of the El Paso Association of Builders can be measured directly in each home built and every service it takes to bring those homes to  market.The strength of our association relies on the commitment and the work of our members. Members working for members, devoted to the industry.

Join us and elevate your professional status.  Se habla Español.


Our Impact

Advocacy is the cornerstone of our work to ensure the health of the residential construction industry.  We work with the state legislature,

El Paso County, and the city of El Paso to make sure government doesn't impede our work or hurt our workforce. 

What we do

We are constantly fighting for builder and associate rights to mdo business without costly burrecratic interference. Our joint efforts at the local, state, and national agencies ensures a voice for you no matter your size. 

How we work for you

We work with local governments to make sure we comply with building codes. Our efforts reduce overrgulation. 

Architect on Building Site

Code Reform

The El Paso Association of Builders joined other local associations in Texas to introduce and pass sweeping changes to the International Electrical Code and to the International Residential Code, striking yearly changes to once every six years.



Dedication. Expertise. Professionalism.

Our leadership and membership is all volunteer, meaning that they take the time and effort to work on issues affecting the industry as a whole without pay. They are dedicated to making sure our members continue their job of housing El Pasoan's with safe, affordable and efficient homes and great products or services.


2024 President

Victor Robles

Maravilla Homes


2024 Associates

Vice President

Angelique Adauto Roman

TRUE Title El Paso


2024 Vice President

Lydia Mlouhi

Crown Heritage Homes


Immediate Past President

Jaime Gonzalez

Blue Sage Homes, LLC


2024 Secretary

Jacob Barde

Lower East Valley, LLC



Board of Directors

Anthony Murillo, Millenial Homes

Chuck Haskins, Haskins Electric

Courtney Yeatman, WestStar 

John Chaney, Hercules Industries

Juanita Garcia, ICON Homes

Kathy Carrillo, Nusenda Credit Union

Kathy Parry, HUNT Communities

Leti Navarette, Explicitly Signature Homes

Luis Rosas, HUB International

Randall Smith, Randall Smith CPA

Sandra Lucero, Builders Source

Ted Escobedo, Snappy Publishing

Victor Rejino, Maravilla Homes

Victoriano Ramos, Dekora Design & Construction

Our State and National Directors

Bobby Bowling IV

Past TAB President

NAHB Director

Tropicana Building Corporation


Randy Bowling

Past TAB President

Life TAB Director

Tropicana Homes

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Demetrio Jimenez

Texas Apartment Association State Past President 

NAHB Director

Tropicana Properties

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Edgar Garcia

Past President EPAB

2024 TAB Director

Bella Vista Custom Homes

Become A Member

Become A Member

Join the El Paso Association of Builders and receive exclusive benefits.

Code of Ethics

Consumers must be keenly aware when doing business in today's market. It's important to ensure safety, quality and affordability are a part of any transaction and our members adhere to that set of ethics.

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Builders Outlook

Now available to download, get the Builders Outlook app.




For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 915-778-5387 or fill out the following form

Contact Us

Thank You!


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Ray Adauto

Executive Vice


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Margaret Adauto

Office Manager

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